Businesses can be small and lucrative, and be a “front” for a covert operation. It makes money and gathers information from the people it makes money off of. It can be an inn, a tavern, a general store, even a blacksmith’s shop. You can hire someone who wants to work in a warm, dry place and is well equipped to do their business for you.



Each season your establishment generates 1,000 gp per establishment level.


Rumors and Gathering Intel

During an adventure, you can spend money (100 gp per establishment level) to collect rumors. On a successful gather Intel check, you can learn the name of one kind of creature you’ll be fighting and roughly how many there will be. During the adventure, those creatures (if intel is gathered) will suffer vulnerability to damage from a number of attacks equal to your establishment’s level.

You can also find out the location of a secret door, a hidden entrance, the location and nature of a trap, a riddle or puzzle, or the location and description of one powerful item.

Investigation allows you to do detective work. Organizations are larger and more complex, and easier to spy on. Consider range (only within 24 miles per establishment level), the size of the organization, how secretive the group is, and more. This will affect the DC.


Limits and Favors

You are given just enough information. Often your assistant at the establishment--someone you trust and who works for you--just overheard it. They may not remember who said it.

Intel checks can only be made once against an organization, but you can request a second if you want to ask for new specifics or focus on another organization.

You may be able to request favors from other types of strongholds depending on your allies. You can gain the benefit of another stronghold once per season, and after paying 1,000 gp.


Demesne Effects

The establishment of choice is a hotbed of information and intrigue, creating the following effects within a 12 mile radius:

  1. One ally per level of the stronghold can hide in the rogue (or other class) demesne, and no mundane or magical means will reveal their location. This ability does not work on the owner of the stronghold.
  2. Creatures trespassing in the demesne have the overwhelming sensation they are being spied upon.
  3. When a creature hostile to the rouge (or other class) and aware of their existence finishes a long rest within the demesne of the establishment, roll a d20. On a roll of 10 or less, the creature triggers a hidden trap, taking 3d8 piercing damage.


Stronghold Actions

On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), the playercan take a stronghold action to cause one of the following effects. They must be in the same hex or province as their stronghold, and can’t use the same effect until after a short or long rest. (If multiple players share this stronghold, these actions exist as a pool for the group, not per each individual):

  • All enemies within 60 feet are marked for death. For the next minute, if you hit a marked enemy, you can remove its mark to deal an extra 6d6 slashing damage.
  • Enemies within 60 feet are revealed, losing stealth and invisibility.
  • You gain a Coin of Fate. Each time you are hit in combat, you may flip the coin. Heads, the attack misses instead. Tails, the attack hits as normal and you lose the coin.


Class Feature Improvement

Vanishing Strike
After you hit with a Sneak Attack, you may disappear instantly. This effect lasts until the end of your next turn or until you attack or cast a spell. You can do this a number of times equal to your stronghold level, after which you must take an extended rest to refresh this ability.

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