Castle Rend


B1: Forest's Edge

B2: Bailey

B3: Main Gate and Courtyard

B4: Secret Entrance

C1: Entryway - Protected by a portcullis, the entryway leads into the main building.

C2a and C2b: Guard Posts - Both rooms have arrow slits to protect the structure. C2b has a lever controlling the portcullis.

C3: Entrance Hall - The largest chamber in Castle Rend.

C4: Chapel - Contains a statue of Tarj the Wise with arms outstretched.

C5: Sparing Chamber - Training area to practice with martial and ranged weapons.

C6: Armory - Storage for weapons and armor.

C7: Coatroom - Room to hold ceremonial attire of knights and room for guests to hang their coats. 

C8: Great Hall - A stately marble dining table stands before a hearth in the center of the room. Twelve stone chairs are assembled around it.

C9: Barracks - Sets of rooms with multiple bunks per room.

  • C9a: Luther's Room
  • C9b: Delilah's Room
  • C9c:
  • C9d:
  • C9e:
  • C9f:

C10: Kitchen - A fabulous kitchen once used to prepare meals for the Blue Dragon knights.

C11: Larder - Filled with general stores such as grain, rice, and root vegetables. Strings of garlic and a corner of salted meats and cheeses fill the room with a flavorful air.

C12: Tower Stairs - A stone spiral staircase winds up into the watchtower and down into the stronghold’s basement.

C13: Northern Watch Tower - This 50 foot tower looks down upon the forest surrounding Castle Rend. A stone brazier stands nearby for warm fires at night.

C14: Southern Watch Tower - This 50 foot tower looks down upon the forest surrounding Castle Rend. A stone brazier stands nearby for warm fires at night.


C15: Prison Barracks - A sentry's bed and basic accommodations are available in this room, to keep watch over C16, the Prison Cells. This room is currently converted for the Wuxian refugees and the sage, Harahoshi.

  • C16a:
  • C16b:
  • C16c:
  • C16d:

C17: Cloister - A far larger room for those tending the downstairs area. Rodrick's Room.

C18: Alchemy Room - A cauldron sits in the center of the room, with shelving and crates stored neatly around the walls. This is being cleaned and converted into an Alchemy Lab.

C19: Treasury - A secret door disguised to look like the masonry helps protect this vault. Within the chamber is a small shine to Tarj the Wise. A room to the west contains 4 trappable treasure chests.

C21: Crypt of the Blue Knights - This solemn chamber contains the remains of the knights that once protected this land. Ten rows of stone sarcophagi form a sepulchral procession down this hall. 

C22: Northern Tower Stairs - A stone spiral staircase winds up to the main floor of the keep (area C12), and then farther up still to the watchtower (area C13).

C23: Unused Shrine Room - Originally a shrine to some unknown god, and then more recently to Mephistopheles, all prior memorabilia has been cleared away. It is currently empty.

C24: Secret Escape Route - The hidden passage from area B4 in the castle courtyard leads to a long, earthen tunnel that winds downward into this hidden room—a secret back exit for a castle under siege. It contains a fully stocked emergency larder and armory.

C25: Southern Tower Stairs - A stone spiral staircase winds up to the main floor of the keep (area C12), and then farther up still to the watchtower (area C13). This is currently being reinforced and converted into a Mech Bay.


It takes many skilled workers to build a keep or a tower or a theater. Commonly, one of these skilled laborers, impressed with the player's demeanor, will offer to serve them permanently, becoming a member of their retinue, living in the stronghold or the surrounding village after the rest of the workers return to their towns.

Each artisan in the player's service either grants the player some benefit or improves the stronghold in some way. Most artisans come with their own shop, which they set up for free and which starts at 1st level. You can pay to improve it. This process takes three months and you cannot pay more to speed this up. The maximum shop level is 5.


Refugees of Wuxia (x3)


Sage: Harahoshi Miyatsu (Level 1, Library)


Willoughby Twobuckle, a Cog in The Clock network
Levies of the Town of Gravesford
Edmund Bedegar, the Baron of Bedegar



Upgrading Your Stronghold

Once built (or repaired from a ruin), your stronghold can be upgraded by taking more time and spending more money.

Typically, a stronghold belongs to whoever pays for it, and they are its master. If multiple characters chip in to pay for a stronghold, it is a castle and provides multiple benefits. Each character can only benefit from one stronghold ability at a time.

Regarding castles, upgrades are more complex due to the nature of the structure. It costs 10% more and takes 10% longer for every basic stronghold function in incorporates.

A castle cannot contain multiple of the same type of stronghold (two keeps for example). If you have two, only one benefit is granted.

Characters can switch between which stronghold benefits they receive by taking an extended rest.

Extended Rests

Strongholds grant special abilities for players to use, which quickly run out of uses and must be recharged with an extended rest. This requires spending a week in your stronghold, touching base with your subjects and followers, and attending to your affairs.

Effects and Actions

Strongholds also have certain effects they can generate for their localized area. Whenever a stronghold or demesne effect prompts a saving throw, the DC is the (most appropriate) stronghold owner’s spellcasting DC, unless otherwise noted.

STRONGHOLD: THE KEEP (Level 1) (50% Repaired)

61 days/208 days until repairs are completed (27th Sunsebb AR3024)

STRONGHOLD: THE TEMPLE (x2, Level 1) (10% Repaired)

Temple #1: Tarj the Wise     |     Temple #2: (Unknown)

STRONGHOLD: THE ALCHEMY LAB (Level 1) (20% Repaired)

Treasury: 10,900GP

+24,400GP Found treasury of the Castle
-16,900GP Full repairs of Castle Rend
+6,400GP For 200 Enhancement Potions sold by Pinna for 40GP each, consignment bonus
-3,000GP For assisting Pinna in becoming our new Establishment front

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