The Conclave of Tarj


Calendar since start of game:

5th Wealsun, AR3022. Last month of Spring. Our characters are sought out for a work contract with Mr. Briar Luther from Octavius Artifact Reclamation Services.

6th Wealsun, AR3022. We receive contracts from him, asking to meet at his place of business. He gives us a recovery mission to prove our skills.

7th Wealsun, AR3022. We journey out by train to recover a downed airship's cargo from Dewar. We fight goblin bandits, retrieve the goods, and return to Luther the following few days.

9th Wealsun, AR3022. We meet again with Mr. Luther and he tells us the mission we were on was just a test. He would like to officially hire us as his newest C-Class team, and give us our first real mission: to explore a recently found tomb in the high deserts of Northern Vespa.

16th Wealsun, AR3022. One week later, we set out for the excavated tomb with our airship and a crew of archeologists.

18th Wealsun, AR3022. After two days we arrive at the tombs, chase away Chatsworth AQ mercenaries and begin the retrieval of artifacts. Drake Craven betrays the party, stealing most of the artifacts and the airship.

21th Wealsun, AR3022. After spending 3 days traveling with the remaining team members, we make it to the town of Lone Alley. We stay one night while we wait for the train back to Haven City.

22nd Wealsun, AR3022. We arrive back in Haven City. We meet with Mr. Luther again regarding the mishaps with our mission, and spend time waiting for our next mission (and a new airship, which is not as... nice as our last one).

1st Richfest, AR3022. First week of Summer. We spend time as a team enjoying the Summer's Dawn festivities in Haven City.

4th Richfest, AR3022. Morning meeting with Mr. Luther. We have another ship ready, and a mission to go with anthropologist James Davenport to the island of Hateshigenai, off the coast of Wuxia. We are to assist him with studying the local tribes and gather any interesting artifacts along the way.

1st Reaping, AR3022. After 4 days of travel, we arrive at the island of Mt. Towa and the village of Somatsu. We head into town and try to gather information on the hidden tribes in the Kurai Forest nearby. Discover people have been going missing.

2nd Reaping, AR3022. We spend the night and head out into the forests the next day. We find kenku kidnappers and return with a girl who was taken from the village.

3rd Reaping, AR3022. We head back out into the forests. We are taken by tribes people of the forest to a secret location where their hidden village is--the people of Ruun. We see the totem of Hateshigenai. We are asked for help by the chief, Hiwa-ki, in exchange for studying their people.

4th Reaping, AR3022. We learn about the totem. Warriors saw a volcanic eruption spewing lava into the sea. Some of the debris was thrown so far, it landed on their shore--the totem. We leave Ruun to help fight off the kenku who were attacking the tribes people and taking over their other villages.

5th Reaping, AR3022. We fight and take back one of the villages for the tribes people, returning with the news. We recover from our injuries and recoup for the night.

6th Reaping, AR3022. We head back out to fight off the kenku from the last village. We destroy our enemies and a super soldier that was controlling them, and rescue the other captives using our airship. We take them back to their village.

Lenovan paladins and a heirophant find us due to the airship, looking for Armella Kolbe. We try to run away to the capital of Wuxia in our airship. They chase after us, and when we land we hide her. They question us and our party members hide in the city for a few days.

10th Reaping, AR3022. We regroup and leave to head back to Haven City.

14th Reaping, AR3022. We arrive back in Haven City to meet with Mr. Luther. Give a report with James Davenport and what things we were able to find.

19th Reaping, AR3022. Mr. Luther calls us back in to his office. He knows Chatsworth AQ has something BIG and wants us to find out what it is. We plan to infiltrate their job fair and find out what's going on inside.

20th Reaping, AR3022. We attend the job fair and infiltrate the building. We find some documentation about a big job in Elbion, and bring it back to Mr. Luther. They are studying an old dragon's hoard. We get ready to leave the next day.

21st Goodmonth, AR3022. After about a month of travel, we arrive in Elbion at the village of Rainshire (Gunulbar in dwarven). Due to events happening in town, we assist the townsfolk as we find out information regarding Chatsworth AQ.

22nd Goodmonth, AR3022. We hike to the caves during the afternoon, seeing Chatsworth AQ mercenaries leaving. We plan to investigate more in the morning when we have more daylight and energy.

During the night, Wuxian ninjas (assassins of Kotowari) attack, kidnapping Hikaru and Ruby. They bring them into the caves to sacrifice them to the dragon still living inside. The rest of the group makes their way in to rescue. We escape with our lives, fighting off the dragon, ninjas and strange zombies.

23rd Goodmonth, AR3022. We hike back through the night/dawn to Rainshire to discuss events, gather items for our trip back, and help more in the town. We make ready to leave.

25th Goodmonth, AR3022. We leave Rainshire to head back to Alwyn and meet again with Mr. Luther. We spy something (Dolor) floating in the sky on the way back.

25th Harvester, AR3022. We arrive back to Haven City to meet with Luther. He's excited to speak with us, not minding we didn't get much of the hoard. He takes us to dinner to discuss his plans for his new museum in Republic Central. He requests we go north to the Snowsea and Northern Wastes to recover an old sailing ship, as his A-Team that left was unable to complete the mission.

4th Patchwall, AR3022. It's the 2nd week of Autumn and we have had 2 weeks to prepare for our trip north. We leave to head up north for two months, making one pit stop at Cape Sundar in the Caliphates.

2nd Sunsebb, AR3022. It's the last month of Autumn by the time we arrive. We begin checking on the vessels in a ship graveyard, and are attacked by a gargantuan Leviathan. Elves of Osonor come to our aid and take out the beast. We meet Fa'anor, king and father to Azandar. We are led to their city, blindfolded.

We arrive at the city exhausted, and learn about their people for the next few days.

4th Sunsebb, AR3022. We are invited to join them for a midnight feast and celebration. We see something moving against the clouds that night (Dolor).

7th Sunsebb, AR3022. We spend 3 days extracting a ship to take back to Mr. Luther for the Museum. Once it's all situated, we take 2 months to fly back.

28th Fireseek, AR3023. It is the end of the first month of Winter, and a new year. We arrive back to Mr. Luther and receive a celebration, becoming members of his newest A-Team. He has the ship sent to the museum, and invites us on a train ride to the event.

4th Readying, AR3023. Our train arrives after 4 days to Southern Vespa, in Republic Central. We are allowed to enjoy the town, and are to meet Mr. Luther early the next morning for a preview of all of the exhibits.

5th Readying, AR3023. We meet up with some of the other A-Teams, who had their artifacts placed in the museum along with ours. We all enter early, exploring the different rooms it has available. We are bothered by the room with Wuxian artifacts, as it depicts the village of Ruun destroyed and totem gone.

Afterward, during the opening ceremony, Rhenese airships attack the capital. We flee for our lives, Alastair perishing in the escape while helping other citizens. Now in our airship, we flee for Elingrad where Thorin's family lives.

22nd Readying, AR3023. We arrive in Elingrad, in the kingdom of Thoradin, in the city of Orzammar, home to Thorin's kin. We learn Alwyn and Ebion have made alliances with Rhen, and that all nations are now under the title of the Holy Domains of Lenova. All people are advised to go to church the next day.

23rd Readying, AR3023. Some of us attend church to see that things have changed. The Rite of the Alkahest is being performed at regular houses of worship now, instead of only at the monasteries where the wisest of the wise are asked to meet. All citizens also receive a necklace to encourage their faithfulness. We see a girl being chosen as the Alkahest that day.

24th Readying, AR3023. We try to acclimate to the city and all the new knowledge of what is going on. We take some odd jobs to raise money, now that we are cut off from Mr. Luther. During the course of this, we find out there is a monster--a Mindflayer--in the church house, and that he killed the Alkahest. We fight him that night, and go back to Thorin's family estate to plan our next move.

25th Readying, AR3023. We plan to go into hiding for 4 months, to throw off anyone on our tracks (Rhen soldiers, other monsters, Wuxian assassins, etc.) and to try to uncover new information that can help us. We pledge to continue working together, and part ways.

4th Growfest, AR3033. Godsday, and the Awakening Ceremony being held in Lenova.

15-21st Wealsun, AR3023. Almost exactly a year later since the beginning, during the last month of Spring, we start returning to Elingrad to meet up and discuss what we've found.

-Hikaru/Rodrick went to research the libraries in Elingrad for anything to do with the situations at hand. They were accosted by some secret group of devil worshipers.

-Ruby/Arabella was staying in Farewood Ravine, and due to strange circumstances, forgot about the meeting with the group. Hikaru and Rolland come to visit her and they travel back to Orzammar.

-Armella studied in the libraries in Orzammar for additional information. She also saw the floating island (Dolor) in detail while at the estate.

-Azandar researched information he took from the Elves in Osonor.

-Thorin talked with his father, grandfather, and great-grandfather about their quest and their ancestry. He also spoke with Armella and his family about the island (Dolor) and their plans to reach it.

-Emma went to research the church in several other cities, looking for any information about missing Alkahests or monsters.

23rd Wealsun, AR3023. We make a plan to purchase another ship and use it to fake our deaths as we leave. We don't want anyone following us or seeking after us. We are attacked again by Wuxian ninja assassins, and barely escape. Hikaru kills his cousin.

24th Wealsun, AR3023. We find and try to approach the island and are attacked by a metal clockwork dragon. We come across Mutiger, and make landfall again along the coast of Elingrad. We work on repairing the ship over the next week.

3rd Richfest, AR3023. First week of Summer. We discuss our next plan of attack. With few other places to hide, having just faked our deaths, and having lost the floating island, we decide to make for the Rift. We hope to find items of power, answers about our history, and more.

23rd Goodmonth, AR3023. After 2 months of travel we arrive at the Rift. We carefully navigate inside and must continue slowly as we search.

9th Patchwall, AR3023. We are in the 1st month of Autumn, and run into Balgor. He saves us from an attack of Sahuagin, before leading us to where he lives. We begin repairing the damage to our ship sustained from the attack.

5th Ready'reat, AR3023. We finally fix the ship from parts of other vessels found in a ship graveyard here. Balgor asks to go with us to the floating island, and gives us items to help us during the trip. We set out for Dolor and chase it through the sky.

7th Sunsebb, AR3023. The last month of the year and final month of Autumn. We arrive on Dolor.

14th Sunsebb, AR3023. We spend a week on Dolor searching and learning about the peoples there, as well as about the old heroes, the ancient days, and magic. We start packing to make leave for home.

16th Sunsebb, AR3023. We leave Dolor to return to Alwyn first. We hope to find Mr. Luther, along with information about our families, businesses, countries, and the world at large. We check in with customs and learn the new rules from the Rhenese.

17th Sunsebb, AR3023. Ragnar, Hikaru and Mutiger work on building an altar to Balgor, God of Slaughter, and placing it in Trenfield. They help bring gear back to the Skyshadow. Eliza works on getting permits for everyone's travel needs.

18th Sunsebb, AR3023. The Iron Falcon Armory is broken into by the Rhenese government and seized. Ragnar has an altercation with them. Delilah, Armella and Rolland attend church and confront the High One.

19th Sunsebb, AR3023. We take the train from Trenfield to Haven City in Cyron. We arrive in the evening and track down Mr. Luther at his place of business. We accompany him for drinks and then go to his home to catch up and hatch a plan.

20th Sunsebb, AR3023. Early morning we all make our way to the train station to get to Republic Central. We arrive there in the late evening or next day, depending on what stops everyone takes.

21st Sunsebb, AR3023. We meet up in Republic Central. Thorin and Sarah break into the museum to steal back one of Balgor's crystals.

22nd Sunsebb, AR3023. Sarah/Delilah is kidnapped trying to keep the crystal away from Cultists of Mephistopheles. It is early morning. Thorin brings a Cultist to the others who interrigate him. Rodrick/Rhys calls the Skyshadow using a remote control signal tied to Firelord.

23rd Sunsebb, AR3023. The Skyshadow arrived a day and a half later from Trenfield with Luther in tow. The group follows after the direction of the crystal using Hikaru and Thorin's navigating abilities, toward the Korosvye Helots.

25th Sunsebb, AR3023. The group arrives in the Korosvye Helots in the evening. The Skyshadow is shot from the sky and is destroyed. A battle is initiated at Castle Rend, a crumbling keep from ancient days. The Cultists sacrifice Delilah to open a portal to the Nine Hells and release Mephistopheles' sprit. Once defeated, the group brings Delilah back from the dead, but unconscious.

27th Sunsebb, AR3023. Delilah wakes up after 2 days. The group has started cleaning out the keep, making a temporary base until new plans can be made. The altar is destroyed and bodies of their enemies removed. What has been salvaged from the Skyshadow is gathered. We meet Willoughby Twobuckle, who alerts us of the coming armies of Kotowari.

6th Needfest, AR3024. After a week of preparations, the armies of Kotowari are upon us. We successfully defend our new base at Castle Rend with the aid of nearby baronies, armies and allies. Suffering just a few losses, we regroup and repair.

25th Readying, AR3024. We've spent two months continuing repairs to Castle Rend and making allies. We have trained, prepared, and sought out new protection against the coming enemies we've made...





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