The Sage - Harahoshi Miyatsu

Every artisan carries with them a long list of skills and traditions that help them craft their wares. But for the sage, knowledge isn't a means to an end-knowledge is an end unto itself.

Each sage is not only an expert in a wide array of obscure subjects, but also part of a large network of fellow sages, scribes, and librarians, a constant and largely secret flow of information going back and forth. Harahoshi is no exception.

He grants us access to the Sage background ability. If he doesn't know the answer to our questions, he knows where the answer can be found.

The Library:

Give your sage a week to search the library and cross-reference the various scrolls, tomes, and codices within, and they can give you secret knowledge of the enemies you plan to fight.

Obviously, you'll need to tell your sage what foes you'll soon go up against. If you know exactly the kind of monster you're about to fight, and your sage has the time to do the research, you gain one of the following advantages in combat against that type of creature:

  • You have advantage on your next attack roll against such a creature.
  • You negate one resistance on your next attack roll against such a creature.
  • Such a creature has disadvantage on its next saving throw against your alchemy (spells) or abilities.

You can use the chosen advantage on a number of attacks equal to the level of your sage's library, after which you must take an extended rest to recharge this ability.

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